Friday, March 10, 2023

The Bookworm Tag

Answer the questions
Make new questions
Tag people

I was tagged by Cindy from Cindy's Book Corner. Thanks Cindy!

1.  How many books do you have on your physical shelves? (It can be best guesstimate!)

I have never counted my books. It is something I've thought about doing, and I want to keep a log of all my books as well, but I just haven't done it. Ummm . . . if we aren't counting children's books, probably 300ish? Maybe?

2.  What is your favorite book about books?

There are so many! I'm going to go with Book Love. 

3.  What is your favorite format to read in (paperback, hardback, e-reader...)?

I am a big lover of hardcover!

4.  What is your favorite genre to read?

I am a very eclectic reader. It really depends on my mood. The majority of the books I own are probably fantasy, so I'll go with that. 

5.  How do you find new-to-you authors?

My book friends. The books we read for book club help me find new genres and authors to love, and we share a lot about the books we are reading. 

6.  What is a series (or book) you would/have reread over and over again?

My most re-read series is The Chronicles of Prydain. My brother introduced me to Taran and gang when I was in middle school, and I used to read them every single year. 

7.  Do you have a book (or author) you are constantly recommending people to read? If so, what is it?

It depends on the person. I like to ask a couple questions before I recommend a book to someone. I recommend Ranger's Apprentice and The Lunar Chronicles a lot. 

8.  What is a genre you would never read?

Like I said, I am an eclectic reader. I don't believe in bad genres. I think there is a book in every genre that someone could love. That being said, I try to stay away from erotic books. I'm just not into that kind of thing. 

9.  Do you prefer long books or short books?

Depends on the book. Does it feel long? I enjoy both.

10.  Who inspired your love of reading?

My family. My dad used to read to me a lot as a child. My brothers introduced me to a lot of the books I love today. One of my brothers read The Hobbit to me when I was 5, and I loved it. 

My new questions:

1.  What was the last book your read?
2.  Did you like it?
3.  Who is your favorite Author?
4.  What book do you wish had a sequel?
5.  What is your favorite movie adaptation?
6.  What is your favorite place to read?
7.  What book do you wish was required reading in school?
8.  What is your quirkiest reading habit?
9.  What do you use as a bookmark?
10.  Besides reading, what other hobby/hobbies do you have?

I would like to tag: 
If you want to participate, please consider yourself tagged.


  1. The only one of these answers I didn't know about you was the last one. That's really cool that both your dad and your brothers read to you. My dad did a little, but I only remember two books.

    Thanks for tagging me. I'll definitely participate. :D

  2. So wait, we answer your new questions, but not the questions you answered, yeah?

  3. Fun tag! I'll be participating...but it might take me until next Saturday. :D

  4. Thanks for the tag! This is fun. I'll try to get something together soon.

  5. This is a fun tag! It's always nice to get to know each other more :)

  6. I miss the tags that used to go around all the time! Nice to see these. And I love a good hardcover...

  7. I loved your answered and enjoyed learning more about you!! I had no idea you were a hardcover reader! SOOOO many people are not. Thanks for participating and taking the time to answer the questions :)
