Friday, February 1, 2019

January Stats

Books Read:  7

And Then There Were None 17878931 Orphan Island
Glass Sword (Red Queen, #2) Star Wars (2015-) #50 Star Wars (2015-) #51
Elliot and the Pixie Plot (Underworld Chronicles #2)

DNF:  1

The Assassin's Masque (Palace of Spies, #3)

Pages Read:  1,598

1 Star:  0
2 Stars:  0
3 Stars:  2
4 Stars:  2
5 Stars:  3

I didn't read as much as I wanted to this month. My friends got me hooked on knitting, so that has taken up a lot of my free time. I'm trying to do audiobooks while knitting, but Netflix is so darn tempting.

I read some good books in January. I've never read an Agatha Christie book before, and I really liked it. I'm hoping to read more soon.

Goal Progress:

Goodreads says I'm 6 books behind schedule. I'm not too worried. I have time to catch up.

4 of the 7 books came from the stack of books on my night stand, so that is a big win!

I didn't read any Newbery books, whoops!

Elliot and the Pixie Plot is a re-read, but I'm not counting it since I read it with and for Gnome.


  1. Knocking off so many TBRs in one month is awesome. :)

  2. You couldn't finish that series, huh? That's too bad. I'm sorry. Other than that, it looks like you had an okay month.
