Books Read: 6

Pages Read: 1,493
1 Star: 0
2 Stars: 1
3 Stars: 3
4 Stars: 1
5 Stars: 1
My reading has become a pitiful shadow of what it used to be, and it makes me sad. Darn knitting has taken over my life! I vow to do better, especially for summer reading!
Goal Progress:
I am 19 books behind schedule on Goodreads!! *sob* I am farther behind than last month. (20/160)
One of the books I read last month was from my nightstand! Yay! BUT. . . I added 4 more. *hangs head*
I finished a Newbery Award Winner!! Yay me! (1/20)
As far as re-reads go, I haven't read any yet. The Secret Garden was a re-read, but I read the new pretty edition, so it didn't come off my shelf, so I'm not counting it. (0/20)
I checked off 4 more books on my Pioneer Book Reading Challenge! Woo! (11/44)
yes to serenity! I need to read those!