The Liebster rules are thus:
Link and thank those who nominated you.
Answer the 11 questions posed to you, list 11 random facts about yourself, nominate 11 bloggers and ask them 11 questions.
Inform them of nomination by commenting on one of their posts.
Thank you Love at First Write for nominating me. I'm honored! I hope I'm doing this right! You had some good questions!
Scariest moment in a book you’ve read?
That is a tough one! I honestly can't think of one.
Do you currently have a book checked out of the library?
HA! I have 74 books checked out of the library right now.
Have your reading habits changed since you started blogging?
A little, I've always been an avid reader, but since blogging, I've started writing down my thoughts as I read.
Do you ever dog-ear books?
NEVER!! That is a carnal sin! No one should do this!!!
Favorite reading snack?
I don't like to eat while I read cause I don't want grease, salt, juice, etc. to get on my book.
What’s the weirdest book you’ve ever read?
Another toughy! I like weird and unusual things, so I don't find too many books weird. Sometimes I find a few relationships that are weird.
Favorite fictional villain?
Oh gosh! That is so hard! I would have to narrow it down to Legato Bluesummers from Trigun and Mark Hamil's Joker.
Oh gosh! That is so hard! I would have to narrow it down to Legato Bluesummers from Trigun and Mark Hamil's Joker.
Any books that you’ve been avoiding?
Avoiding how? I'm hesitant to read avoiding? I refuse to read avoiding? I won't read erotic stuff. I avoid non-fiction, but I'd like to get into that more.
Do you own any pets?
Yes! I love animals, and we usually have something fuzzy running around our home. We've had several hamsters, rats, and dogs. We currently own Chewy! He is a poodle/yorkie mix.
He frequently makes appearances on Instagram.
Do your friends come to you for recommendations?
Yes, I have several friends and acquaintances that ask for recommendations. I'm always eager and willing to share a good book!
Yes, I have several friends and acquaintances that ask for recommendations. I'm always eager and willing to share a good book!
Least favorite series?
Twilight. Yes, I read them! I didn't like the characters, the story, and a lot of things bugged me.
I'd just like to say that I don't mind that other people like them. We all have different tastes. One of my besties is a Twihard.
Random Facts:
1. I was born in South Korea.
2. I had the chicken pox twice.
3. I'm afraid of clowns.
4. I enjoy cooking and baking.
5. I play the clarinet for the Wasatch Winds.
6. I'm a gamer.
7. I love anime and manga.
8. I want to cosplay.
9. I'm in love with Richard Armitage.
10. I love musicals, especially Judy Garland and Gene Kelly ones.
11. I love to organize things. It is therapeutic to me.
Bloggers I Nominate:
It's All About Books
Jenni Elyse
Read This Instead
Debz Bookshelf
Books: A True Story
Bookmark Dragon
Angela's Anxious Life
The Bluestocking Society
The Reading Fever
Love at First Book
Fire and Ice
Proposed Questions:
What has been your favorite book you've read this year?
What is your most anticipated book for next year?
If you could meet any author, dead or alive, who would it be?
Think of your favorite book, and list your dream cast for that book.
Which author would you choose to write your biography?
Do you own pets?
Who is your favorite literature couple?
What is your biggest book pet peeve?
Do you have a reading/blogging quirk? What is it?
What are some other hobbies you have besides reading and blogging?
Which authors do you automatically buy books for?
Twilight. Yes, I read them! I didn't like the characters, the story, and a lot of things bugged me.
I'd just like to say that I don't mind that other people like them. We all have different tastes. One of my besties is a Twihard.
Random Facts:
1. I was born in South Korea.
2. I had the chicken pox twice.
3. I'm afraid of clowns.
4. I enjoy cooking and baking.
5. I play the clarinet for the Wasatch Winds.
6. I'm a gamer.
7. I love anime and manga.
8. I want to cosplay.
9. I'm in love with Richard Armitage.
10. I love musicals, especially Judy Garland and Gene Kelly ones.
11. I love to organize things. It is therapeutic to me.
Bloggers I Nominate:
It's All About Books
Jenni Elyse
Read This Instead
Debz Bookshelf
Books: A True Story
Bookmark Dragon
Angela's Anxious Life
The Bluestocking Society
The Reading Fever
Love at First Book
Fire and Ice
Proposed Questions:
What has been your favorite book you've read this year?
What is your most anticipated book for next year?
If you could meet any author, dead or alive, who would it be?
Think of your favorite book, and list your dream cast for that book.
Which author would you choose to write your biography?
Do you own pets?
Who is your favorite literature couple?
What is your biggest book pet peeve?
Do you have a reading/blogging quirk? What is it?
What are some other hobbies you have besides reading and blogging?
Which authors do you automatically buy books for?
Woo! I did it!
Let me know if you completed this!
74 books out from the library!! WOW WOW !
ReplyDeleteThanks for the nomination. I actually have had the Liebster aware before, about 5 years ago or so. Instead of posting on my blog, I thought I'd just do it here and answer your questions:
ReplyDelete1. What has been your favorite book you've read this year? Cinder by Marissa Meyer
2. What is your most anticipated book for next year? I have a few: Ignite by Sara B. Larson, The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski, Shutter by Courtney Alameda (but I've already read it), and Winter by Marissa Meyer
3. If you could meet any author, dead or alive, who would it be? JK Rowling
4. Think of your favorite book, and list your dream cast for that book. Ugh! My favorite book has already been made into a movie. I don't think I can think of anyone other than who was cast, especially since I saw the first movie before I read the books. (I'm talking about Harry Potter if you didn't know.)
5. Which author would you choose to write your biography? JK Rowling because she could make my life interesting.
6. Do you own pets? Yep. Three cats.
7. Who is your favorite literature couple? Do I really have to say this out loud on your blog so you can make fun of me?
8. What is your biggest book pet peeve? Dog-earing
9. Do you have a reading/blogging quirk? What is it? Maybe. I can't stop reading in the middle of a paragraph or chapter. I have to finish the chapter.
10. What are some other hobbies you have besides reading and blogging? Mario Kart, crocheting, playing the piano, watching movies
11. Which authors do you automatically buy books for? Cassandra Clare and Stephenie Meyer
So, I had to say that you and I have something else in common. I had the chicken pox twice too. :)
ReplyDeleteFun fun! Can answer the questions, but not nominate? I always get hung up on the nominating part!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so, so much, Kami! And, 74 library books!?! You are a rock star to have so many library books in your house! :)