My Thoughts:
- I love seeing the ruthless side of Darth Vader, and this issue delivers.
- If the empire had created an army of droids like Beetee and Triple Zero, they never would have lost to the rebels. Dang those droids are evil!
- I don't like it when they bring old characters back. There are too many characters to keep track of. Who is Cylo?
- This was a good issue that moved the story along.

My Thoughts:
- There was an ad in here for a Marvel Tsum Tsum comic. Okay, I love Tsums, but this is ridiculous.
- I don't understand why the bug eyed lady is forcing Vader to fight a Rancor. What the heck is going on?
- Okay, I admit it. Seeing Vader fight the Rancor is pretty awesome.
- There is another ad saying this series ends with issue #25!! I'm almost to the end! I debated quiting the series cause it was getting really long, but I'm glad I stuck with it. It's been fun. I hope the ending is amazing! It better really be the end too, no jokes or extensions!
- Idiot Cylo! You can't kill Darth Vader that easily!

My Thoughts:
- I'm starting to remember who Cylo is!
- I love full page panels! They are amazing and really show off the artwork.
- I wish the fight between Morit and Vader had lasted longer
- Anyone else think Cylo is too close to Kylo Ren's name?
- Whoa!!! Cylo's secret is an awesome one!! AH! I can't wait for the next issue!!

My Thoughts:
- This issue is a little thicker. I love that comics are a certain price, and they don't change if issues are different sizes.
- I really like the simple cover. Darth Vader's inner turmoil is so interesting to me, and I love reading about it.
- Vader's strength and will power are very impressive. There is a reason he is one of the best villains of all time.
- Aphra has a serious death wish.

My Thoughts:
- Awesome cover!
- The way Vader took down Cylo as the greatest K.O. ever!!!
- This issue was kind of a three in one. I don't understand the last story with the Tuskan Raiders. It was hard to depict what was happening in the panels.
- This was a good last issue. I liked how everything wrapped up. Overall, it was fun series.
- I'm debating about getting the Doctor Aphra series. I don't care for Aphra, but I want to read more about the evil droids.
I'm glad you stuck with them. You seem to have enjoyed them mostly. I kept thinking of Kylo when you mentioned Cylo too. Way too similar.