Goodreads Synopsis: Elska is a silver dapple Icelandic filly. She spends summers frisking about the countryside and winters in the farmyard, where the girl human Amma takes special care of her. But when a powerful neighbor notices Elska, her contented life suddenly changes. Here is Elska’s story . . . in her own words.
My Thoughts:
- Gnome read this book, and she finished it really fast. She kept asking me to read it, so we could talk about it. I was worried it was going to be boring and/or super cheesy since the horse is telling the story, but I read it, and I really liked it! It was SO cute!
- The horse perspective is great. I actually really liked it.
- The writing is great! The story just flows, and the reading is effortless.
- The little girl and her love for her horse is so sweet. The story is so cute!
- The illustrations great! They capture the story perfectly, and the horses are so life like.
- It only took me about 30 minutes to read the whole book, but I got really attached to the characters. I almost cried after I finished. . . from cuteness, not sadness.
- I'm really happy that Gnome encouraged me to read this. This was her first book recommendation to me, and it was a good one. I usually push books on her, so it was fun to have it the other way around.
Everything about this review makes me happy. I love that your daughter recommended it to you and you loved it and I love that it’s about horses. I ate up stories about horses as a kid.