My Thoughts:
- I love this series just as much as the Star Wars one! Great writing and illustrations! Hats off to Marvel's team!
- Ha ha! I'm glad Huttese is being translated for us!
- I love that this is the exact same story line as Star Wars but from Vader's perspective.
- Vader really hates sand people. He has the worst kind of grudge.
- Some of those scenes with Darth Vader and Jabba gave me chills! So awesome!

My Thoughts:
- I don't have much to say about this issue as well.
- The story is mostly about Vader's situation and he is scheming something.
- The last line is SO true!

My Thoughts:
- Aphra is SO awesome! She is techie, snarky, and a bit Han Soloish.
- Those droids that mimic R2D2 and C3PO are pretty creepy.

My Thoughts:
- Since Vader is returning to Geonosis, we get a little flash back panel from the movies. It is kinda cool how they tied that in.
- Evil droids are awesome!
- Why is Aphra so willing to follow Vader? I don't get her motives.
- There is some crazy stuff going down on Geonosis! Wow!

My Thoughts:
- I never really understood how fragile Darth Vader's relationship with the Emperor was.
- These wannabes are no match for the really force!
- What is the Emperor doing? He is crazy!
Sounds like you're having fun with these.