Books Read: 10

Pages Read: 2,293
1 Star: 0
2 Stars: 0
3 Stars: 4
4 Stars: 5
5 Stars: 1
My reading took dive in September. I caught the gaming bug, and I've been playing my Nintendo Switch a lot. I'm trying to balance both activities, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood to read.
Goal Progress:
I am 15 books behind on my Goodreads goal. Ya, I fell behind a little. Hopefully I can catch up.
I only read one book off my nightstand. Dang.
I read one Newbery book! Yay me! (7/20)
I re-read one book. (11/20)
I did make a dent in the Pioneer Book Reading Challenge. I only have 12 more books to go! (32/44)
Still impressive stats! I've been wanting to read Pumpkin Heads!