Sunday, January 1, 2023

Reading Goals

Happy new year friend!

2023 Reading Goals

Goodreads Challenge
I read 119 of 125 last year, and this year I want to hit that 125 mark.

Newbery Books
I am still chugging along with these. I would like to try for one a month, so 12 is my goal this year.

Re-Read Challenge
Does anyone know of a re-read challenge? I would like to sign up for one. I should just start my own. If I start one, are any of you interested?

Book Club
I loved having a book club goal last year, so I'm doing it again. My goal is to read 10 out of the 12 books.

I am debating my local bookstore's challenge. Pioneer Book has one every year.
I am also debating the yearly PopSugar challenge.

Video Games
I want to keep track of the games I beat, so I am setting a goal of 5 again this year.

What are some of your goals?
Happy reading and good luck!


  1. I am also debating Pioneer and Pop Sugar...should we go for it?

  2. These sound great, I hope you meet all these goals, or at least enjoy trying to meet them! :)

    1. Thanks Wendy! Yes, I should focus on the journey more.

  3. Good luck with all your reading goals. And Happy New Year!!! :D

  4. Kami! I found you a challenge for re-reads!! Good luck hitting all your goals this year!!!

  5. Awesome goals for the new year! :D I think it's cool that you're still working on the Newberry Award books. I'd be interested in a rereading challenge. And, good luck on PopSugar and Pioneer Book!

  6. I always do POPSUGAR and the Pioneer Book challenges even though I've yet to actually finish either of them. It's just fun to try! If I lived in the Provo area, I would try harder with Pioneer Book, but I don't always make it there in a given year, so yeah...

    Also, I see Cindy already told you about the Read It Again, Sam challenge. That's the only re-read challenge I've ever heard of.

    Good luck with all your challenges!

  7. Good luck with your goals this year, Kami!
