Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Salt Lake Comic Con 2015

I've been putting this off long enough!!

My comic con recap:

On Thursday, my brother and I spent 2 hours in the Funko line! 
My mission: limited edition C3PO!

There was a giant C3PO, and Anthony Daniels ended up signing it.

They had this awesome display of all the Hikari Funko figures.

Look at these cute wampas!

After 2 hours, I scored big! The bag on the left is mine, and the bag on the right is my brothers. He completed his Inside Out collection. I bought 3 C3POs, and I'm hoping to sell 2 for big bucks! There is only 750, and you could only get them at Salt Lake Comic Con!

After getting through the Funko line, we rushed to the voice acting panel!! From left to right: Dee Bradley Baker, Rob Paulsen, Tress MacNeille, Jess Harnell, and the moderator. These guys were SO amazing! I will never get sick of seeing Rob and Jess. They are hilarious! Dee does some crazy noises and sounds. It is incredible.

I don't watch much Studio C. I think I've seen 3 skits. Anyway, they were there, and they were funny.
After Studio C, I had to dash off to rehearsal, and I missed the Weasley twins! DANG IT! My conductor got an ear full from me about having rehearsal during comic con.

Friday was  big celebrity day for me! I saw a lot of amazing people!!
I started off by seeing Kristin Bauer. She is Maleficent in Once Upon a Time! She grew up on a farm, and talked a lot about True Blood. For some reason, I had a hard time getting a good picture.

This is Floyd Norman. He works for Disney, and has helped with many of the films we know and love. He even got to work directly with Walt Disney himself on The Jungle Book. His presentation was neat.

SEAN ASTIN!!!! I've been a big fan since I was little. I love Encino Man, and my family quotes it a lot. I love Goonies, Rudy, and of course, Lord of the Rings. He made a grand entrance on a golf cart, and hammed it up after that. He was so much fun to see.

Right after Sean was Sebastian Stan. I love him from Captain America and Once Upon a Time. He was really nice and even spoke some Romanian for us.

Then we rushed to the other side of the building to see Dean O'Gorman who plays Fili in the horrible Hobbit movies. Despite the movies being awful, he was really fun to see. He was charming and funny, and he had an awesome Irish accent. I don't know why I Couldn't get a good picture, we weren't that far away.

Then we RUSHED back to the ballroom for ANTHONY DANIELS!!! He was the best! He didn't need a moderator or anything, he just came out on stage and did his thing. He made us all bow and chant like ewoks, he walked around like C3PO and said epic lines. It was amazing! He was HILARIOUS!

I stayed in the ballroom for Christopher Gorham. I know him from Ugly Betty, Once Upon a Time, and The Other Side of Heaven. He was nice and interesting to hear.

This is Bill Corbett from Rifftrax! He talked a bit about the Rifftrax process and stuff. It was cool. He said he hated doing the Twilight movies and Transformers, but the public wanted those movies riffed!

Saturday wasn't as eventful, but it was still fun.
We started out in a Jane Austen panel. My friend, Shallee was on the panel along with Shannon Hale and Mette Ivie Harrison. It was good, but one person was kinda annoying. She kept complaining and blah blah blah blah. I wanted to kick her off the panel. This was for Austen LOVERS, not gripers!

Next panel was The Future of Video Games. Natalie Whipple was on this panel, and she had awesome things to say. As a gamer, I loved this panel. They talked a lot about controls, DLC, and other gamer concerns. It was awesome!

BEST SURPRISE EVER!! Alan Tudyk was supposed to skype in, but he was there in person!!! Everyone freaked out when he came on stage! It was SO exciting!! He was there promoting a new show called Con Man with Felicia Day and Sean Astin. It is about Cons and making fun of all the people that go. It looks funny, and I want to watch.

The Twisted Toonz panel was my main goal on Saturday. I HAD to be in there and have a good seat. I was successful! It was SO SO FUNNY!!! I could not stop laughing! There was SO much talent on stage. My childhood self was freaking out!

Just to name a few voices these people do: Pinky and the Brain, Yakko, Wacko, Dot, Babs from Tiny Toons, a bunch of Simpson characters, Mom from Futurama, Perry the Platypus, a bunch of impressions, Raph and Donetello from TMNT, and Dee was there doing animal noises! It was EPIC!

We went to a Muppets panel and a TMNT panel after that. They were both fun.
Then we went home.

It was an amazing weekend, and I can't wait to do it again!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Devil and the Deep Release Party + Giveaway!

Displaying Ceruleans series poster.png

The 4th book in the Ceruleans series is coming out! 
You are invited to join the party!

Displaying Devil and the Deep cover.png

Scarlett is living her happy-ever-after, back in the real world. Only the ‘happy’ part is proving problematic.

For starters, there’s the isolation. Being a Cerulean among humans is fraught with risk, so her time with people can only be fleeting. Which means being with Luke but not being with Luke.

Then there’s her Cerulean light, her power over life and death. Less awesome talent, as it turns out, and more overwhelming responsibility. And it comes with rules – rules that are increasingly difficult to obey.

But what’s really pushing Scarlett to the precipice is something much bigger than herself, than her life in the cove. A force to be reckoned with:


When long-buried truths are exposed, will Scarlett keep her head above water – or will she drown in the blood-dimmed tide that is unleashed? 

About the Author

Displaying Megan Tayte.jpg

Once upon a time a little girl told her grandmother that when she grew up she wanted to be a writer. Or a lollipop lady. Or a fairy princess fireman. ‘Write, Megan,’ her grandmother advised. So that’s what she did.

Thirty-odd years later, Megan is a professional writer and published author by day, and an indie novelist by night. Her fiction – young adult romance with soul – recently earned her the SPR’s Independent Woman Author of the Year award.

Megan grew up in the Royal County, a hop, skip and a (very long) jump from Windsor Castle, but these days she makes her home in Robin Hood's county, Nottinghamshire. She lives with her husband, a proud Scot who occasionally kicks back in a kilt; her son, a budding artist with the soul of a palaeontologist; and her baby daughter, a keen pan-and-spoon drummer who sings in her sleep. When she's not writing, you'll find her walking someplace green, reading by the fire, or creating carnage in the kitchen as she pursues her impossible dream: of baking something edible.

You can find and follow Megan online at:


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Fall TBR

Top Ten Books On My Fall TBR

I might be climbing back out of my reading slump, so I'm excited to a reading queue lined up for the fall! I'm going to try to read some of the book I didn't get to during Utah Book Month.

72485 392289
Ink and Ashes 16067008
16150914 433533
8452340 In the Shadows
Zom-B (Zom-B, #1) Silver in the Blood (Silver in the Blood, #1)

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Scorch Trials

My Thoughts:

-    I thought Dashner's books couldn't get more ridiculous, but oh was I wrong! 

-    Wow! This movie was ridiculous and awful!

-    I was so bored! I actually looked at my phone to see how long I'd been in the theater. The movie just wouldn't end!

-    The movie is a completely different story than the book. The only similarities are the character's names.

-    I love that Alan Tudyk was in this film. I always like seeing him.

-    I also liked Janson's Irish accent. 

-    The zombies were bleh. I actually laughed when a zombie got kicked down a stairwell cause it was so ridiculous. 

-    The monkey cam was TERRIBLE! I could barely tell what was going on in some parts because the camera was shaking so bad.

-    I was so disappointed. I liked the The Maze Runner, and I was hoping the movies would give me the closure and answers I never got, but it looks like the movies are going to be just as/even more frustrating than the books. 

First movie in the Maze Runner series:
(picture is linked to my thoughts)

Friday, September 18, 2015

Fan Art Friday: Eragon

Today I will be featuring fan art from:


This is a great fantasy series, and I was hoping for some awesome art of Saphira. I was not disappointed. Wow!

There are so many amazing pictures here! My favorite is the first one. I love the depiction of baby Saphira. All of them are great though!

Which is your favorite?

As usual, all the pictures linked to the source, so if you liked a particular artist, so check out more of their work!