Friday, April 13, 2012

Down The Rabbit Hole

Goodreads Description:   Welcome to Echo Falls.Home of a thousand secrets, where Ingrid Levin-Hill, super sleuth, never knows what will happen next.
Ingrid is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or at least her shoes are. Getting them back means getting involved in a murder investigation rivaling those solved by her idol, Sherlock Holmes, and Ingrid has enough on her plate with club soccer, school, and the plum role of Alice in the Echo Falls production of Alice in Wonderland. But much as in Alice's adventures down the rabbit hole, things in Ingrid's small town keep getting curiouser and curiouser. Her favorite director has a serious accident onstage (but is it an accident?), and the police chief is on Ingrid's tail, grilling her about everything from bike-helmet law to the color of her cleats. Echo Falls has turned into a nightmare, and Ingrid is determined to wake up. Edgar Award-nominated novelist Peter Abrahams builds suspense as a smart young girl finds that her small town isn't nearly as safe as it seems.
My Thoughts:
-    The very first paragraph made me laugh.
-    Ingrid makes all kinds of dumb decisions!!  She is the perfect example of the lying trap.  She had to tell lies to cover her other lies.
-    Grampy makes me laugh.  He reminds me of my Grandpa Furr.
-    There were things in the book that I thought didn't really add or do anything for the story.  It was just fluff.  For example:  Grampy's property struggle.  The fact that the Ferrands wanted to buy his land and he didn't want to sell wasn't really important.  
-    The overall book moved a little too slow for me, but it had its moments.  The ending is pretty good.  I knew who the culprit was, but I just didn't know exactly how he did it!  I like how all the pieces came together.  
-    I was hoping for more Alice in Wonderland references and parallels.  There were a few I guess...I just wanted more. 

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