Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Classics

Top Ten Books I Can't Believe I Haven't/Want To Read from X Genre

Today I've chosen classics! There are a lot I haven't read that I really want to.

392289 The Silmarillion
Persuasion 10147
32552 286963
14469 85635
110225 325042

Yes, I like the Barnes and Noble editions. I have quite the collection of them already.


  1. Great list! Some of the books you mentioned are also on my wishlist/to-be-read list, like The Scarlet Pimprenel and Nicholas Nickleby. <3333 Persuasion and Mansfield Park, I hope you enjoy them when you get around to them :)

    My TTT

  2. Are you going to be knocking out Persuasion pretty quickly for book club? That'll be one less on your list.

  3. Persuasion is my favorite Jane Austen. I just love the sense of longing pervading that book and the theme of second chances. The Scarlet Pimpernel is also a book I really want to read! (Funny that these two books are the two books Diana Peterfreund re-told as YA Sci-Fi dystopias---which are some of my favorite YA books). Great list, Kami :)

    1. I want to read Peterfreund's books. It is one of the reasons I want to read The Scarlet Pimpernel.

  4. I've read almost half of the Sherlock Holmes stories, but other than that these are all on my to-be-read list as well. Great list!

    1. Cool! Are you liking Sherlock Holmes?

    2. I've really enjoyed it. Most of the stories are in short story format so it's easy to read alongside other reading. I'm also a big fan of the TV shows Sherlock and Elementary, so it's been nice to read the stories in their original form.

  5. PERSUASION is so good. Loved it. Save Edgar Allan Poe for the fall. And dark and stormy nights. :-)

    1. People keep saying I need to read Persuasion. I've read a lot of Austen's other books. That is a good idea for Poe.

  6. I second everyone else's comments about all the Jane Austen books! That woman is THE BOMB. I actually don't care for Dickens, though, so I can't in good faith recommend him. But by all means, knock yourself out with Edgar Allan Poe and Sherlock Holmes. Those two actually go quite nicely together, in an odd sort of way.

    1. I love Dickens! Poe and Holmes kind of do go together in a weird way. I never thought about that.

  7. Looks like we need a Dickens read along!

  8. I've read Mansfield Park. It was my first Austen novel. I liked it, but not as much as Pride & Prejudice because Fanny (heroine) bugged me a little bit. I'll be interested to hear what you think when you read it.

  9. This is a great list. I'm not that fond of the classics but there are several in your list I've either read and enjoyed or want to read.

  10. I need to read a couple of these books too LOL!! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday if you wanna check it out :) http://bookbabble.weebly.com/blog/top-ten-tuesday1

  11. Kami, you HAVE to read Persuasion!! - Maggie @ macarons & paperbacks

  12. Wait wait wait!! You haven't read Persuasion?! You must remedy this. It's my favorite Austen!!
