Last night my friends, their hubbies, and I watched Mockingjay Part 1!
This has been a tradition since The Hunger Games.
Before the movie, we ate dinner at Wingers.
Here is Suey, Stuey, and Tori.
Here is me and Jenni
Here are the peeps in the theater.
I need to steal some more pics. We took some fun ones in front the giant cardboard display.

My Thoughts:
- Wow! That was awesome and heart wrenching! I loved it!
- The casting for these movies have been perfect. Jennifer Lawrence is so amazing as Katniss. She is so believable. They way she portrayed Katniss's PTSD was incredible. The way she shakes and shows emotion is so real!
- I loved the design of District 13. There were things that were exactly like I pictured them. The same goes for the rest of Panem.
- Oh Peeta! Watching that was harder than reading it.
- I've been so impressed with these movies. I'm pretty hard on movies, especially when I've read the books, but these movies are great! They capture the heart and emotion of the books. They make me feel the same emotions. They capture the characters perfectly.
- I really liked the part where Katniss sings.
- I really liked the part where Katniss sings.
- My only complaint is that there was a lot of monkey cam. I had a to close my eyes for a few seconds on one part because I couldn't handle the super shakiness. There was a part where lights flashed in the camera, and that hurt.
- I felt like the movie went by too fast. I didn't want it to end. I wanted more!
- I want the next movie!!! I don't want to wait a year!!! I might have to re-read the books to satisfy my hunger.
Good points. I agree with all of them except the monkey cam. I didn't get that this time at all. I'm glad I didn't experience that. I hated that in the first movie. I really liked the tune they put the song to in the movie. I've had it stuck in my head ever since.
ReplyDeleteDinner beforehand was a lot of fun. That pot pie was delicious! I want to go back and eat another one.
I went to see this tonight!! Loved it. Wish I lived in UT so I could've went with you guys!!