My Thoughts:
- I'm excited for the new story, especially one that focuses on a different character.
- I really like Salvador Larroca's illustrations. I'm glad they used him again.
- I love that Qui-Gon Jinn and young Obi-Wan made an appearance.
- I never thought of Yoda as an amazing pilot, but I guess it makes sense that he would be able to fly.
- This was a very interesting and intriguing issue. I'm excited to read more.

My Thoughts:
- The planet Yoda has landed on is weird and way different from anything I've seen in the Star Wars universe.
- The weapons on this new planet look like the ancient weapons in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
- I like that this is a story being read by Luke and told by Obi-Wan.

My Thoughts:
- I wonder why they added this story to the Star Wars comics instead of doing a separate Yoda series.
- I love the cover on this issue!
- I always like seeing pieces of Obi-Wan's life. He really needs his own series.
- I love all of Yoda's qualities.

My Thoughts:
- Does the guy on the cover look like Apocalypse to anyone else? Yoda fighting Apocalypse, that is something I'd love to see.
- Gah! This is one of the worst cliffhangers!! I need to know the end of Yoda's story and what happens to Luke!!

My Thoughts:
- This was a very uneventful ending to this story.
- Not a lot happened in this issue.
- The best panels were at the end. It was cool to see Yoda on Dagobah.
- I'm excited to read the next few issues. They are a Doctor Aphra cross over.
I think Obi Wan needs his own series too and that they should make a movie or movies of it and that Ewan McGregor should reprise his role. ;)