My Thoughts:
- I like how they make fun of Superman. That was funny.
- Why does everyone in this movie have a giant forehead? It bugged me.
- The plot had some unexpected twists, but some predictable ones as well. I like how they put a twist on the classic hero vs villain thing.
- For most of the movie I was shaking my head and going "Oh brother! Really?"
- I hate Will Ferrell, but this was ok cause I couldn't see him. I loved David Cross as the minion!
- I didn't like that everyone in the movie had a bit of a stupid side and things just kinda worked for them.
- I can't really decide if I liked this or hated it. I'm leaning towards the "didn't like" though. Tyson and Hubby loved this movie, so I'll just let you know their thoughts.
Tyson's Thoughts:
- Any movie with Welcome to the Jungle and Bad as a soundtrack can't go wrong.
- If this movie was an Asian lady, I'd marry it.
Hubby's Thought:
- This movie had a lot of twists, and I like that.
Really? You didn't like it?! I love this movie! I love his way of saying things like melancholy, school, hello, and Metropolis. And, I love his forget-me stick and the minion and the baby seal leather boots! But, to each their own. :D