Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Buy/Pick Up A Book
- Dragons: If the book has dragons, I'll most likely read it!
- Fairy Tale Re-Tellings: This is one of my favorite genres, and I'll read almost everything that is a re-telling!
- Classics: For some reason, I really want to read classic books. Books from authors like Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, etc. I want to read the oldies but goodies!
- Mythology: I love all the mythology based books coming out! I've always been fascinated with Greek and Roman mythology. I've kinda gotten into Egyptian and Norse mythology lately. I love all the books that include this topic.
- Zombies: If the book has zombies, I'll probably pick it up!
- Comic Books: I want to read anything Marvel and Batman. If it has Marvel heroes or Batman in it! It's pretty much a done deal.
- Books made into movies: If was made into a movie I liked, I want to read the book!
- Books mentioned in movies: If a book is mentioned in a movie I like, I want to read it. For instance, the shoe books like Ballet Shoes, Skating Shoes, etc. They are mentioned in You've Got Mail by Meg Ryan's character, and I want to read those books now.
- Clarinet: If there is a clarinet on the cover, or the book is about band/clarinet players. I'll read it! No matter how cheesy, I'll read it.
- Manga: I enjoy reading certain mangas. If I find a manga I love, I can't get my hands on the next volume fast enough!