Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Books I Thought I'd Like More/Less Than I Did
- Sean Griswold's Head by Lindsey Leavitt: This book kind of interested me, but I saw it as chick lit, and I'm not a chick lit fan. My friend gave me an extra copy she had, so I read it. I actually really liked it! I was so surprised!
- Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie: I thought this classic tale would be fun but it wasn't. It was slow, weird, and I can't believe it is a children's story. I was bit put off by some things, like the fairies having an orgy.
- Uneasy Fortunes by Mandi Ellsworth: I was skeptical of this one. I thought this would be eh or I wouldn't like it, but I actually really enjoyed it! It was very touching.
- Pandamonium by Lauren Oliver: I thought I would love this one since Delirium was so good, but I was really disappointed in the last two.
- Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins: A lot of people I know love this book, and it got a lot of hype, so I finally read it, and I wasn't too impressed. This book frustrated me.
- Lemon Tart by Josi S. Kilpack: I've seen this around a lot, especially since I live in Utah, but I wasn't sure about it. I finally read it, and it was actually a pretty fun murder mystery.
- Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand: I don't know why I wanted to read this play, but I did, and I loved it! It was fun and witty! I've decided I enjoy reading plays, and this one started it!
- The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot: I shouldn't like these. I shouldn't even had read these. I did though, and now I call them my guilty pleasure books. They are light, fluffy, and fun. Don't ask me why I like them so much.
- The Last Princess by Galaxy Craze: I thought I would really enjoy this book, but I didn't. I just wasn't impressed.
- Fablehaven by Brandon Mull: I thought I would really like these cause I've heard so many good things, and Brandon Mull is a one man party. Sadly, I was disappointed.
!!! The fairies have an orgy in Peter Pan? I really missed that part lol. I haven't read Princess Diaries, but the movies are so cute - I bet the books are too :)
ReplyDeleteI've seen so many posts about not enjoying Pandy/ Requiem. I wish Lauren Oliver could rewrite the last two books.
Yay for Sean Griswold's Head. :) I liked that much more than I expected, too. I didn't care for the first Fablehaven book, either. But I thought each one after was better than the one before it. (I don't like his other series at all, though. Too wordy for me)
ReplyDeleteAh, The Princess Diaries... also a guilty pleasure of mine. I and I also agree about Fablehaven. I've not been too wowed by that one yet... but I have only read the first two.