It's the end of our Read Along, and I like to say thanks to everyone who participated in our adventure. We had some fun discussions and chats. I hope those of you who read it for the first time have fallen in love, and I hope those of you who re-read it fell in love all over again.
I had a lot of fun hosting this with my friends!
Kathy from Read This Instead is hosting our last discussion post today.
Here are my answers to her questions:
1. How did you feel when Max had to leave the Hubermanns? What did you expect would happen to him?
I was really upset and scared. I really hoped that he would find a safe place or make it out of Germany somehow, but I also was scared he was going to be captured and killed.
2. Why do you think Liesel ran out to Max when they finally did cross paths, even after she had seen what happened to Hans earlier in the book?
I was really upset and scared. I really hoped that he would find a safe place or make it out of Germany somehow, but I also was scared he was going to be captured and killed.
2. Why do you think Liesel ran out to Max when they finally did cross paths, even after she had seen what happened to Hans earlier in the book?
How could she not!?!? Max and Liesel understood each other on a unique level. I don't think they could help look for each other. They were family to each other.
3. What did you think of Death spoiling the ending a couple chapters before it actually happened? Did the warning make it easier to handle?
I always think I'm prepared for the end, but I'm not. I always cry, and my heart always breaks. I think the foreshadowing and spoiler alerts were fitting, and it just felt right that Death said things when he did.
4. Which death impacted you the most?
4. Which death impacted you the most?
Rudy and Hans usually kill me. I like and hate how Liesel find each character and mourns them. Rudy just kills me. I just want to yell at Liesel!!! Why couldn't she have given him a kiss before it was too late!?!?!? I think I cry hardest for Hans. He is the first person she cries out for, and Death knew Liesel loved her papa best. I actually mourned a lot for Rosa this time. She really stood out to me this read through.
5. How did your view of Ilsa Herman change over the course of the book?
5. How did your view of Ilsa Herman change over the course of the book?
She starts out as a pathetic creature, but she grows into a sort of silent hero. There were a few small victories at the end, and one of them was that Liesel would go live with the Hermans. She had someone familiar and understanding to take care of her. I love when Ilsa leaves cookies for Rudy and Liesel!
6. The power of words is such a big theme throughout the book. Which instances of powerful words stuck out to you? Or, which quotes from the book stuck out to you?
6. The power of words is such a big theme throughout the book. Which instances of powerful words stuck out to you? Or, which quotes from the book stuck out to you?
The part where Liesel is in Ilsa's library and destroys a book really stand out to me. She loves words so much, but she also realizes that word can be dangerous as well. I think an overall theme in the book is words are power!
7. In this post Markus Zusak says:
In many ways I felt that the book is about Liesel’s different kind of loves - for Hans, for Rosa, for Rudy and Max, and for books and living in general.
Which of those loves resonated with you most?
7. In this post Markus Zusak says:
In many ways I felt that the book is about Liesel’s different kind of loves - for Hans, for Rosa, for Rudy and Max, and for books and living in general.
Which of those loves resonated with you most?
All of them really. This is one of the reasons the book is so beautiful. Liesel is so alone and scared when she comes to live with the Hubermanns, but she grows to love and trust different people in different ways.
8. Thoughts on Liesel and Death finally meeting?
8. Thoughts on Liesel and Death finally meeting?

9. If this was your first time reading The Book Thief, is it what you expected?
If it was a reread, what did you notice this time around?
If it was a reread, what did you notice this time around?
Rosa and how much I like her stuck out a lot more this time around. This was my 3rd read through. The part where Rosa holds Hans' accordian all night, when Rosa comes to school to tell Liesel Max was awake, and the end when Death describes how much love Rosa had really stood out.
10. Will you see the movie?
10. Will you see the movie?
YES!!!! I can't wait!!! I know I will cry like a blubbering idiot though.
We have a surprise for you!!
It is giveaway time!
We are giving away 3 t-shirts! They each feature the quote "I am haunted by humans."
To enter, please fill out the form below.
For those of you who are going to attend the movie with us, we'd like to wear these for that event!
Good luck everyone!